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A bright and fabulous world... Matte sheen of expensive fabrics, sparkle of diamonds, luxurious rich men... This is not a social event and not a reception from the queen. This is the everyday life of a top model. This is her job. In any case, this is how many girls imagine her, knocking around the thresholds of modeling agencies ... But every catchy postcard has a downside. And sometimes she is very ugly. Envy, anger, jealousy for a more successful rival - here no one chooses methods and is ready to go over the corpses. After all, there is a goal: to become chosen, to become a star, to become a girl under the sign "top" ... And then what? Does it really matter?!

Data sheet

ISBN 5-7390-1757-2
Publication date 2006
Number of Pages 320
Book series Русский романс
Bookbinding Hardcover
Language Russian

All author\'s books:

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DMR Rusexpress GmbH (S)

Atriumstrasse 4
Leipzig, 04315

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