
P. S. Я люблю тебя

Сесилия Ахерн

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A bestseller by famed Irishwoman Cecia Ahern is a contemporary story about how love is stronger than death. Having lost her beloved husband, thirty-year-old Holly Kennedy falls into despair, stops leaving the house, communicating with people. And suddenly she receives a packet of letters in the mail: you can print them only once a month, the same person, parting with whom brings her such suffering. It turns out that shortly before his death, he decided to help her live on. Every time she looks forward to the first day in order to open the next envelope and, strictly following the instructions, take one more step that brings her back to life: buy a new dress, take part in a karaoke contest, go to the sea.

The novel has been translated into almost fifty languages, and the film, created by the company

Warner Brothers triumphantly marches across the screens of the whole world.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-389-00038-4
Publisher Иностранка Москва
Publication date 2008
Library Circulation 30 000
Number of Pages 495
Bookbinding твёрдый

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P. S. Я люблю тебя Adequate Condition 5,23 €
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