
Расшифрованный Стоунхендж

Хокинс Д.

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Stonehenge was supposedly erected at the turn of the Stone and Bronze Ages, several centuries before the fall of Homer's Troy. Previously, it was believed that, most likely, it was a temple of the Druids. But the British astronomer Gerald Hawkins proved that Stonehenge served as a kind of observatory, which made it possible to predict the eclipses of the Sun and the Moon, calculate the exact dates for the onset of the seasons of the year and keep a calendar. However, people still believe in the magical power of these stones, touching which, it was believed, healed from all ailments.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-9524-2255-1
Publisher Центрполиграф
Format 84x108/32
Publication date 2006
Number of Pages 255
Book series Загадки и тайны мировой истории
Bookbinding твердый

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