
Мститель : роман

JДжуд Деверо

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The book is excellent, despite the simple plot. Read in one breath. It has both humor and intrigue. It is very difficult to stop reading.

Alexander Montgomery receives a letter from his sister asking for help and sails to her on the ship of his friend the Russian Prince Nikolai. On the way to the American town of Warbrook, the ship anchors in New Sussex, located next to Warbrook. There, Alexander is faced with the arbitrariness of the English soldiers who flooded the city. Without thinking twice, Alex dresses in black and becomes an Avenger fighting injustice. Unfortunately, on the very first "sally" he is wounded, so Alex is forced to seek salvation on Nikolai's ship, which immediately sails to Warbrook. In order to mislead the soldiers involved in the search for the Avenger, declared a criminal, in Warbrook, Alexander is forced to change into a flashy camisole and a powdered wig. To complete the image, he puts a pillow on his stomach and becomes a dapper fat dandy, who leaves the ship in Warbrook with Nikolai, who introduced himself as his servant. Jessica Taggart, who at first laughed at his ridiculous appearance, but gradually became his friend, went out to meet Alex with the rest of the inhabitants of the city. At night, Alex continues to dress up as the Avenger, while not forgetting to visit Jessica, with whom he falls in love. He spends his days with his beloved in the form of the clumsy Fat Alex, and at night he meets with her as the Avenger. When, on the orders of the English admiral, Jessica has to get married, she accepts Alexander's proposal. It takes a long time for the newlywed to find out that her newly-made dandy husband and the Avenger are the same person...

Data sheet

ISBN 5873226466
Publisher олма-пресс
Publication date 1997
Library Circulation 10000
Number of Pages 407
Book series соблазны

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