
Разные оттенки смерти

Луиза Пенни


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The novel "Different Shades of Death" continues the series of investigations of the brilliant Chief Inspector Armand Gamache - a new character created by the pen of Louise Penny, the only five-time Agatha Christie Award winner in the world. Just yesterday, artist Clara Morrow experienced moments of greatest triumph: the opening of her solo exhibition at a prestigious Montreal museum was a huge success. And today everything went to pieces, as if in a bad dream. A murdered woman is found near Clara's house in the village of Three Pines, and it turns out that this is an old friend of Clara, with whom she once had a difficult relationship. A shadow of suspicion of murder falls on the artist. It would seem that all the facts are against her. However, intuition tells Chief Inspector Armand Gamache that facts are not the main thing in this case. To get to the bottom of the truth, he will have to plunge headlong into the world of art, in which there are so many halftones and shades, and the play of light sometimes completely changes the picture...

Data sheet

ISBN 9785389046870
Publisher Азбука
Publication date 2015
Number of Pages 432
Book series Звезды мирового детектива
Bookbinding Твердый переплет, суперобложка

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