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Дина Рубина. Синдром Петрушки

Рубина Д.И.

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- Бесплатная доставка по Германии


Dina Rubina accomplished the impossible - she combined three different genres: a fascinating and at the same time almost gothic novel about dolls and puppeteers, a family detective story that brings together the poles of history and art, and a psychological drama traced from vivid childhood and youth memories to mature gray hair.

Passion “tears” the heroes here too. Man and doll, puppeteer and rebellious doll, man as a doll - in the hands of fate, in the hands of the Creator, in submission to family heredity? - this deep and multidimensional metaphor is turned by the author in a variety of facets, without condescending to straightforward analogies.

Rubina’s mastery of literary “painting”, landscape and portrait, as always - at a height: as if you were eating chunks of fragrant, delicious air and suffocating with pleasure.


ISBN 9785699599134
издательство Эксмо
формат 70x100/32
год выпуска 2012
тираж 10000
количество страниц 496
переплет мягкий

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Тип продавца: Частное лицо




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