
Вселенское евангелие Вивекананды. Опыт исследования мистики и духовной жизни...

Ромен Роллан


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Romain Rolland's book `The Universal Gospel of Vivekananda` is dedicated to one of the writer's favorite topics - Eastern philosophy and mysticism. R. Rolland deeply studied the spiritual world of India, a prominent representative of which was Vivekananda. This work examines not only the philosophical work of Vivekakanda, but also the similar experience of European ascetics and thinkers.

The book is intended for a wide range of readers. About all this and not only in the book The Universal Gospel of Vivekananda. Experience in the study of mysticism and spiritual life of modern India (Romain Rolland)

Data sheet

ISBN 5-7350-0020-9
Publisher Самарский Дом печати
Publication date 1994
Number of Pages 224
Bookbinding мягкий

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