
Командиры Третьего Рейха


Митчем - Младший Сэмюэл У., Мюллер Джин

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The book by Samuel Mitcham and Gene Mullr offers the reader a new look at the people who control the Nazi war machine. The authors of this unique study go beyond stereotypical ideas about the military commanders of the "Third Reich", in order to conduct a study of the human nature of those who unleashed the bloodiest war in the history of mankind. The reader will learn about Ernst Udet, whose incompetence caused serious damage to German aviation, the genius of military strategy Walter Wefera, the commander of the SS Panzer Division "Totenkopf" Helmut Becker, the son of the Jewish pharmacist Erhard Milch, who could become the number two man in the Luftwaffe ...

S. Mitcham is the author of a number of books about the Second World War - "Officers of the Luftwaffe", "Rommel's War in the Desert", "Hitler's Legionnaires".

Data sheet

ISBN 5-88590-778-1
Publisher Русич
Publication date 1997
Number of Pages 480
Book series Тирания
Bookbinding Hardcover

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