
Практика заочного лечения. Диалог с Доктором. Ч. 3. Единение сердец наших

Коновалов С.С.

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This book is the third in a series of books by S. S. Konovalov "Dialogue with the Doctor". Sergei Sergeevich continues to answer the questions of correspondence patients and reveal to them the provisions of the information-energetic "Teaching. The book contains the Doctor's revelations from the future book "Thinking aloud or talking to yourself" and chapters from the yet unpublished books "Depression of Modern Man" and "Russia - a view from the inside". In addition, in a separate chapter of the book, Sergey Sergeevich talks about the nature of the virus, viral diseases and the mechanism of the virus's invasion into the human body. In addition to the traditional chapters that tell about the results of face-to-face treatment and examples of the impact of books, booklets and healing water, you will also meet with the new Sermon of the Doctor.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-93878-620-2
Publisher Прайм-Еврознак
Format 84x108/32 (125х200 мм)
Publication date 2007
Number of Pages 255
Book series Книга, которая лечит
Bookbinding мягкий

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