Каталог товаров

Слитно, раздельно или через дефис?

Лопатин В. В., Нечаева И. В.

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Since 2006, the book “Together, separately or hyphenated? Spelling Dictionary" was reprinted 4 times. Date of the first edition of “Conjointly, separately or with a hyphen?”: April 2006, the last, 4th edition was published in September 2010. Now the book can be bought in 1 edition on paper.

How to write correctly: together, separately or with a hyphen? - this is one of the complex and invariably relevant problems of Russian spelling. This Dictionary, containing more than 20,000 words and fixed phrases, is dedicated to this problem.

Among the words included in the Dictionary there are many new and up-to-date ones: such, for example, are complex words with the first parts business, internet, online, PR, mini and many words with prefixes beyond, super, hyper.

The dictionary is addressed to the widest range of readers, to everyone who writes in Russian - primarily to school and lyceum students, applicants, and students. The dictionary is also useful for Russian language teachers, editors and proofreaders.


ISBN 978-5-699-20083-2
издательство Эксмо
формат 84x108/32 (130x200 m
год выпуска 2010
тираж 4.000
количество страниц 480
серия Bibliotekaslovarei
переплет Твердая обложка

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