
Д. I. Яворницький «Iсторiя запорiзьких козакiв» 1 и 2 тома (в 3-х томах

Д. I. Яворницький

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Dmytro Yavornytsky's work "History of the Zaporizhian Cossacks" became one of the first scientific books dedicated to the Cossacks.

The book is the most recent historical record that covers the period 1471 -1734.

On a rich documentary material in a popular form, the life of the Zaporizhian Cossacks is universally displayed.

In the first volume, there are the nuances of social and economic histories, the suspensory arrangement, the life of the Zaporizhian Cossacks, the description of the territory and the cordoni, the natural mind of Zaporizka Sich.

In another volume, there is a history of the Zaporizhian Cossacks in the form of a vindication, for example, the XV century. until 1686 p. The campaign of the Cossacks is described, their struggle against the plundering masses in Ukraine of the Crimean and Turkish feudal lords, land marches to the Crimea and the sea - to Turechchyna. Significantly, respect was given to the participation of the Cossacks among the people’s rebels against the gentry of Poland, vizvolnu war under the wire of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1648-1654 rr.

Previously, the book was published in 1892 years (volume 1), the other third part was published in 1895 and 1897 years. Pratsya saw each other more than once. In 1990-1992, the Rotary book was published by the publishing house "Svit" in translation in Ukrainian language.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-11-000907-4
Publisher Издательство «Світ», Львів
Format 24,5 х 14,5 х (1,2 т. 5 см)
Publication date 1990
Number of Pages 320 + 391 стр.
Bookbinding Hardcover

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