
Татищев В. История Российская в 3-х томах. 2003 год

Василий Никитич Татищев

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Russian History by Tatishchev is one of the most significant works in the entire history of Russian historiography. Monumental, brilliantly and accessiblely written, this book covers the history of our country from ancient times to the reign of Fyodor Mikhailovich Romanov. The special value of Tatishchev's work is that the history of Russia is presented here IN ITS ENTIRE COMPLETENESS - in aspects not only military-political, but - religious, cultural, domestic!

Data sheet

ISBN 5-17-013378-2
Publisher «Аст», Москва
Format 20,6 х 13,5 х 2,5 (3 книги - 7,5) см
Publication date 2003
Number of Pages 571
Book series Татищев В. История Российская в 3-х томах
Bookbinding Hardcover

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