
Ижевцы и Воткинцы. Борьба с большевиками. 1918-1920

Ефимов А.Г.


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The book tells about one of the most little-known episodes of the Civil War in Russia - the uprising of the workers of the Izhevsk and Votkinsk factories against the Soviet regime in August-November 1918. The military units formed by the rebels continued to actively fight for their Motherland and Freedom in Siberia as part of the Admiral's Army Kolchak, and then in Transbaikalia and Primorye in 1921-1922. The book was written by the chief of staff of the Izhevsk division, Colonel A.G. Efimov in exile, was published in the USA in 1975, published in Russia for the first time. The author's text is supplemented with comments by modern researchers, documents and photographs from archives, as well as from personal collections kept by the descendants of the Izhevsk and Votkinsk people in the USA.

Data sheet

Publisher Айрис-Пресс
Format 20,5 х 13,5 см
Publication date 2008
Library Circulation 3000
Number of Pages 432
Book series Белая Россия
Bookbinding Твердый

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Johannes Friesen

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0172 2560335

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