
Вечный зов. Роман в двух книгах. Книга вторая


Иванов Анатолий Степанович

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Anatoly Ivanov's novel "The Eternal Call" is dedicated to the family of Siberian peasants Saveliev, the difficult, dramatic fate of three brothers - Anton, Fyodor and Ivan.
The first book covers the historical epoch (1902 - 1942), characterized by radical revolutionary shifts, radical social reorganization of society. Depicting peasants and workers, underground and Chekists, party workers, fighters and commanders of the Red Army, the writer paints a broad picture of the formation and maturation of a new man.
In the second book of the novel, the reader meets again with the Savelyevs' large family, Chekist Yakov Aleinikov, district committee secretary Polikarp Kruzhilin, collective farm chairman Pankrat Nazarov and others. They live and fight during the Great Patriotic War and post-war construction.

Design in black and white illustrations. /Illustrator P.N.Pinkisevich/.

Data sheet

Publisher Правда
Publication date 1987
Book series Параметры судьбы
Bookbinding Hardcover

All author\'s books:

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (Fulfillment Europe)

Atriumstrasse 4
Leipzig, 04357

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