
Мать и дитя. Энциклопедия счастливого материнства от зачатия до первых шагов

Татьяна Аптулаева

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This encyclopedia combines two books by Tatyana Aptulaeva, a psychologist and author of superbestsellers - guides to pregnancy, childbirth and the first year of motherhood. Now, with its help, expectant mothers can not only carefully monitor their health, physiological state during pregnancy and how the unborn baby develops, but also prepare in advance for such a practical and big issue as caring for a child in the first year of life. In addition, you will learn how to establish contact with your baby before birth and how to communicate with him after he is born so that both you and your baby enjoy this activity. And one more thing - and this is very important! – the author prepares readers for the fact that during this period a woman’s whole life changes. After all, a mother is not only a mother, but also a woman, a spouse, a daughter-in-law and a person with her own talents and abilities. In order for your life to become harmonious in all these areas of life, use the recommendations and advice of this encyclopedia.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-699-88961-7
Publisher Эксмо
Publication date 2016

All author\'s books:

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