
Первая помощь диабетику + DVD


Астамирова Хавра Саидовна, Ахманов Михаил Сергеевич



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An indispensable tool for people with diabetes! A unique set - a book and a DVD with an educational film. The book and the film were created by people who know EVERYTHING about diabetes, and not by hearsay. Its authors are Khavra Astamirova, an endocrinologist, an employee of the St. Petersburg Diabetes Center, and Mikhail Akhmanov, a well-known writer and, at the same time, an experienced diabetic.
It is this cooperation that makes our kit especially valuable. The book examines all aspects of the life of a diabetic from two perspectives - from the point of view of a doctor and a patient:
- features of type I and type II diabetes
- method of insulin injections
- hypoglycemic drugs
- specificity diets for different types of diabetes
- acute and chronic complications
- home control of diabetes
- help that a diabetic can count on and where to get it.
DVD included with the book . The film School of Diabetes is the first Russian textbook for diabetics. It clearly presents all the necessary techniques and manipulations (using a glucometer, the correct way of injecting insulin), which not only patients, but also their relatives should be fluent in.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-9684-0847-1
Publisher Вектор
Format 60х90/16
Publication date 2008
Number of Pages 160
Book series Школа диабета
Bookbinding Softcover
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