
Песнь о Роланде. Коронование Людовика. Нимская телега. Песнь о Сиде. Романсеро


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The Song of Roland and the Song of Side are the greatest poetic monuments of the French and Spanish peoples. They mark the brilliant beginning of two largely related literatures that have given so much to the entire world culture.
The combination of these monuments in one volume - with the addition of some other texts - is not arbitrary. And it's not just the linguistic and cultural-historical closeness of the French and Spaniards. The point is also that the very commonality of the problems of the French and Spanish epos prompts one to resort to parallels and analogies.
Translated by Yu. Samoilov, E. Linetskaya, M. Donskoy and others.
Introductory article by N. Tomashevsky, notes by A. Smirnov, Yu. Stefanov, N. Tomashevsky.

Data sheet

Publisher Художественная литература. Москва
Publication date 1976
Number of Pages 656
Book series Библиотека всемирной литературы
Bookbinding Dust jacket

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Песнь о Роланде. Коронование Людовика. Нимская телега. Песнь о Сиде. Романсеро Adequate Condition 10,10 €
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