
Кавабата Я. Избранные произведения.

Кавабата Я.

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Kawabata Yasunari. Selected works. Translation from Japanese. Afterword by T. Grigorieva. Series: Nobel Prize laureates. M.: Panorama, 1993, 445 pp., hardcover, regular format.

The condition of the book is solidly good, there is a slight yellowing of the paper, a small nuance of the title on the last photo.

Contents: Dancer from Izu (story, translation by V. Markova), Lake (story, translation by B. Raskin), Sleeping Beauties (story, translation by L . Levykina), Old Capital (novel, translation by B. Raskin). Stories: Night game of dice, A woman's dream, Letter about a mole, Birds and animals, Voice of bamboo, peach blossom (translations by B. Raskin), Yumiura, Trees, Moon on the water (translations by L. Levykina), Born by the Beauty of Japan (Nobel speech , translation by T. Grigorieva).

Yasunari Kawabata (June 14, 1899 - April 16, 1972) - an outstanding Japanese writer, officer of the French Order of Arts and Letters (1960), winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1968) ) for "writing that expresses with great feeling the essence of the Japanese way of thinking." In Kawabata's works, deeply rooted in the national artistic tradition of Japan, but at the same time freely using the techniques of modern literature, great importance is attached to subtext, understatement and suggestiveness. His main works include the novels “The Thousand-Winged Crane”, “Snow Country”, “Old Capital”, “The Moan of the Mountain”, etc. He considered the novel “Meijin” to be his key work.

One of the most famous novels is “Snow Country”. The book began publishing in 1934 and was published in separate editions until 1947. “Snow Country” is a frank story about the love between a Tokyo amateur and a provincial geisha. The novel takes place at a thermal spa somewhere in northern Japan. The novel immediately acquired a reputation as a classic. After its publication, he began to be considered one of the most prominent writers in Japan.

The works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-85220-197
Publisher Панорама
Format Обычный
Publication date 1993
Number of Pages 448
Book series Лауреаты Нобелевской премии
Bookbinding Hardcover
Language Russian
yellowed pages yes

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