
История России. онтурные карты по истории России. 10 класс. ФГОС


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This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation) and the requirements of the Historical and Cultural Standard.

The Unified Educational and Methodological Set with a history textbook edited by A.V. Torkunov "History of Russia. Grade 10", included in the Federal List of Textbooks, is:

- Workbook on the history of Russia. 10th grade

- Outline maps on the history of Russia. 10th grade

- Tests on the history of Russia. 10th grade.

Manuals are a necessary addition to the school textbook edited by A.V. Torkunov "History of Russia. Grade 10", recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and included in the Federal List of Textbooks . Real educational practice takes into account the problems of all participants in the educational process: students, their parents and teachers.

Students will be able to:

- quickly test your knowledge;

- develop skills in working with a contour map for successfully passing the Unified State Exam;

- prepare for tests and tests.

Parents will find:

- a guideline for determining the child’s achievements and learning gaps;

- the opportunity to provide assistance in case of failure.

Teachers will have a unique opportunity:

- significantly save study time;

- organize current and final control taking into account the characteristics and abilities of each student;

- unleash the creative potential of each student;

- systematically prepare students for the Unified State Exam.

The manuals have been tested in many regions of Russia and have positive opinions from specialists from educational development institutes. The manuals are practical, modern in content and design. They are easy to teach and interesting to learn.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-377-12886-1
Publisher Экзамен
Format 290x210x2 мм
Publication date 2018
Library Circulation 10000
Number of Pages 16
Bookbinding Softcover
Language Russian

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