
Песня любви


Диана Гроу

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Young and beautiful Rika sang about the deeds of gods and heroes in such a way that the listeners forgot about everything. But neither beauty nor marvelous voice saved her from the fate of a captive.
The name of Bjorn the Black, the most formidable of the Vikings, terrified the enemies. They feared him, hated him, and only Rika fell in love with this harsh warrior with all her heart and aroused a reciprocal passion in his soul.
However, fate is not too favorable to lovers: Rika is destined to be the wife of a man from foreign lands. And it is Bjorn who, risking his life, will accompany her on a dangerous journey...

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-17-068031-3
Publisher АСТ
Format 70x100/32
Publication date 2010
Library Circulation 5000
Number of Pages 320
Book series Мини-шарм
Bookbinding мягкий

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
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