
Универсальный немецкий и русский словарь с иллюстрациями


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The dictionary is designed primarily for people who already have a sufficient command of Russian (or German) language. However, it is possible that the way the material is presented in the dictionary will also attract beginners to study on individual topics. In this edition of the dictionary, as in the previous one, the material is arranged according to the thematic principle. Each topic is provided with one or more illustrative tables with explanatory texts. In addition to tables and explanatory texts for each topic, additional words and expressions are given that are not illustrated or can not be illustrated, but are necessary for a complete and in-depth coverage of this topic. When developing the themes of the dictionary, the compilers sought to reflect the most modern concepts characteristic of today's life, both in illustrations and in texts, and special attention was paid to the exact translation into Russian of special terms. For ease of use of the dictionary at the end of it are placed German and Russian alphabetical indexes of all words and expressions found in the dictionary. For each word (expression) in the index, the corresponding number of the table and text where the given word (expression) is given is given. These indexes, along with the table of contents and the article on use, should also be of great help to the Russian user of the dictionary.

With 181 line art tables.

Data sheet

Publisher Юнвес
Publication date 1994
Number of Pages 754
Bookbinding Hardcover

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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