
Утерянные земли России XIX-XX вв


Широкорад А.

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The book of the famous military historian A.B. Shirokorad tells about the territories that were part of the Russian Empire and the USSR, but lost for various reasons. How and why did this happen? What were the circumstances of the break with Russia? How painful was it for the population of these lands? Who won and who lost as a result of this gap? Why were the circumstances of the loss of the lands of the Russian state hidden by Soviet and then liberal historians?

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ISBN 978-5-9533-6364-8
Publisher Вече. Москва. 2012
Bookbinding твердый переплет, 480 стр., иллюстрации, библиография.

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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