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Градов И.

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February 1881. An Executive Committee operates in St. Petersburg, which has set itself the goal of assassinating Emperor Alexander II. The Narodnaya Volya sincerely believe that in this way they will be able to raise the Russian peasants to revolt and provoke a revolution. But inside the Executive Committee there is an agent of the Third Section, who is ready to save his life by betrayal ... The death of the tsar, paradoxically, is beneficial not only to the bombers - some members of the imperial family are also interested in it. The heir to the throne, Alexander Alexandrovich, as well as his inner circle fear that the emperor will enthrone his morganatic wife, Princess Yuryevskaya. Then the throne can go to the young Prince George, and the all-powerful Minister of Internal Affairs Loris-Melikov will rule the country ... In the new novel by Igor Gradov, historical truth is skillfully intertwined with fiction. In this action-packed book, honor and betrayal, love and hate make the characters do the most incredible things. All events in the book are fictitious.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-91337-005-1
Publisher Априори-Пресс
Format 60х84/16
Publication date 2007
Number of Pages 144
Bookbinding твердый
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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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