
Актёр и роль в оперном театре


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The work is devoted to the most important issue of opera studies - the problem of the relationship between the singer-actor and the role that is a fusion of musical and poetic texts in opera art. The subject of the opera theater, the causal series that determines the nature and rules of the psychotechnics of the singer-actor, required the author to combine the knowledge of theater science and musicology. Of particular importance are the materials of the book, for the first time introduced by the author into the everyday life of theater studies. These are the statements of prominent masters of the theater - directors who came to the opera from drama, and outstanding vocalists who have dedicated their work to opera art.

The book is addressed to theorists and practitioners of opera art, and is of interest to teachers and students of theater and music universities.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-88689-059-4
Publisher Санкт-Петербургская академия театрального искусства
Format 60x90/16
Publication date 2008
Library Circulation 500
Number of Pages 256
Bookbinding твердый

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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