
И обрушилась стена. Ченнелинг. Астральные путешествия. Трансгрессия


Роберт Антон Уилсон


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And the wall collapsed

This book should have appeared on the threshold of the new millennium. The number of people who see UFOs and auras, make astral journeys, see their past and future lives, and discover their ability to channel, is already in the hundreds of thousands. And more and more people are discovering that these amazing phenomena are moving into a qualitatively new stage. Questionable channeling is increasingly developing into full-blooded telepathy, and instead of sluggish regressions into past lives, people experience transgression - dramatic perception and living in parallel realities. The world around us is rapidly becoming non-linear. Behind the Newtonian Universe looms a quantum multidimensional Multiverse.

It's time to think about a new model of the universe. A model that would fit both the most traditional and the most revolutionary teachings - from the oldest world religions to dialogues with don Juan and messages from the Pleiades.

"And the Wall Came Down" is not only a new contribution to the Universal Theory, but also the first publication in the world in which the key concept of this theory, transgression, is openly discussed.

Data sheet

ISBN 522000166-3
Publisher Janus Books
Publication date 1998
Number of Pages 168
Bookbinding мягкий
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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
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