
Системы ценностей финно-угорского суперэтноса


Глухова Н.П., Глухов В.А.

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The systems of ethnic values of eleven Finno-Ugric peoples are identified and analyzed: Hungarians, Vodi, Karelians, Komi, Livs, Mari, Mordovians, Saami, Udmurts, Finns and Estonians. The sources of value orientations are proverbs and sayings. Using the methods of mathematical statistics, semantic and factor analysis, the unity of the values of the superethnos is established, the main of which are ethics, knowledge and work.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-91716-015-3
Publisher Стринг. Йошкар-Ола
Publication date 2009
Number of Pages 276
Bookbinding мягкий переплет, библиография
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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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