
Энциклопедия мятежников, непокорных и прочих революционеров


Серж Блох, Франсис Мизио, Анн Бланшар

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What awaits you under the cover: The book ENCYCLOPEDIA OF REBELLIONS, REVOLUTIONARY AND OTHER REVOLUTIONARY will tell you about the childhood years, and then the formation of famous personalities, bright, purposeful and ready to change the whole world. Slaves, soldiers and common people rebelled against tyrants and oppressors. Thinkers and writers fought against inequality and injustice. Scientists and artists thought about the root causes of all this, pushed the boundaries of knowledge. Let us look tenderly into the childhood of these rebels. Let us smile, trying together with them to resolve the questions that tormented them in their youth. Guide for parents: The encyclopedia is addressed to schoolchildren, children aged 7 to 13, since it is during this period that the formation of a child’s character and life values begins, and sometimes a well-chosen book can change his whole future life. That is why, we propose to get acquainted with the most significant periods in the life of revolutionaries and rebels and try to understand why these illustrious people left their mark on history, and we read about them in the book ENCYCLOPEDIA OF REBELLIONS, DEFAULT AND OTHER REVOLUTIONARY. Highlights of the book: A NEW approach to children's encyclopedias, the book is prepared specifically for children who are accustomed to a huge flow of information. A large amount of fascinating historical information is presented in the form of diagrams and infographics. The encyclopedia does not consist of a continuous text, but of comparative tables, graphs, diagrams, diagrams and drawings for a BETTER perception and assimilation of information. The book is more than modern, it will replace Internet resources in terms of clarity and accessibility of information. An interesting text, historical references, a lot of fascinating information from the biography of famous rebels. The ENCYCLOPEDIA OF REBELLIONS, REVOLUTIONARY AND OTHER REVOLUTIONARY will be an excellent gift for a child for a birthday or school holidays and graduations

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-91982-476-3
Publisher Клевер-Медиа-Групп
Format 220х290 мм (большой формат)
Publication date 2014
Number of Pages 112
Book series Энциклопедии
Bookbinding Твердый переплет

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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