
Литература о М. Горьком. 1996-2000. Материалы к библиографии


Валйуская Е. Б. (сост.)

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The bibliographic manual, containing literature on the work of M. Gorky, is a chronological continuation of previously published books, including literature for 1955-1960. (L., 1965), 1961-1965 (L., 1970), 1966-1970 (L., 1985), 1971-1975 (L., 1987), 1976-1990 (St. Petersburg, 2005); 1991-1995 (St. Petersburg, 2008). The index includes literature for 1996-2000 published in our country in Russian: collections (with article-by-article listing), monographs, articles from scientific, literary, artistic and socio-political magazines and newspapers. The descriptions are provided with annotations that reveal the topic of the study, indicating the presence of documents or archival data published for the first time, the names of persons mentioned in connection with the study of the life and work of M. Gorky, the titles of the works in question, etc. The manual is provided with an index of names and titles of periodicals, circles, societies and institutions, a thematic index and an index of M. Gorky's works.

Data sheet

ISBN 9785336001259
Publisher Библиотека Российской Академии наук. СПб
Publication date 2011
Number of Pages 178
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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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