
"Наука": каталог книг издательства


Ред.-сост.: Важнова Л.А., Власов И.С.

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The catalog includes in alphabetical order bibliographic descriptions of publications (without annotations) issued by the Nauka publishing house itself and its publishing companies - the Vostochnaya Literature publishing company, the St. Petersburg publishing company, the Siberian publishing company, the Nauka-Press company, and in collaboration with other publishers. A total of 859 titles. At the end of the catalog there are indexes: thematic, compiled in accordance with the headings of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), publications by publishing companies, serial publications, ongoing, joint.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-02-035730-8
Publisher Москва. "Наука"
Publication date 2007
Number of Pages 92
Bookbinding мягкий

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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