
Валерий Брюсов. Литературное наследство


Валерий Брюсов

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This volume, conceived in connection with the centenary of Bryusov’s birth, is compiled entirely on the basis of unpublished materials from the poet’s archive. The first section of the volume contains Bryusov's unpublished and unfinished works. More than fifty poems dating from different periods of his creative career complement the picture of the evolution of Bryusov’s poetry, and the poetic “Diary of a Poet” reflects his mood during the February Revolution. Among the published prose works, the central place is occupied by the chapters of the unfinished “novel of modern life,” conceived as a broad realistic canvas depicting the life of Russia in the 1910s - in the era “between two wars and two revolutions.” Bryusov's other prose experiments are varied in style and theme. Of these, the science fiction story “The First Interplanetary Expedition” is especially interesting.

The second section presents Bryusov-kritpk - his articles on literature and theater, including speeches of the post-October years, imbued with concern that literary creativity does not lag behind the rapid development of life. The third section is dedicated to Bryusov the editor.

The fourth section is especially rich, containing several hundred letters from Bryusov and his correspondents. Bilateral correspondence with outstanding literary figures of the early 20th century. - Vyach. Ivanov, Emil Verhaeren, Bryusov’s letters to Gorky, S.A. Vengerov, A.E. Gruzinsky and others characterize him as an active participant in the literary movement.

The last section is devoted to memories of Bryusov. The poet's contemporaries - Iv. Rozanov, N. Petrovskaya, S. Bobrov and others - characterize him at different stages of his life - from his youth to his last years, when he proved himself to be a talented teacher, educator of the literary generation.

In general, the volume makes it possible to more fully imagine the complex appearance of Bryusov, his active participation in the construction of a new, socialist culture.

Data sheet

Publisher Наука
Publication date 1976
Number of Pages 858
Bookbinding Твердый переплет, суперобложка

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Валерий Брюсов. Литературное наследство Good Condition 89,00 €
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Bibliothek Stuedemann


Книги из частной библиотеки Дитмара Штюдеманна. (Dietmar Gerhard Stüdemann)

Дитмар Штюдеманн (Вельс/Австрия 1941-2022, Берлин) с 1972 г. работал в Министерстве иностранных дел, занимая должности в Москве, Афинах, Вене, Праге и Киеве. Большую часть своей профессиональной карьеры он провел в Москве, где стал свидетелем не только начала улучшения отношений между Востоком и Западом, но и распада Советского Союза. Во время его работы послом в Украине в 2004 году произошла "оранжевая революция".
Этот опыт сформировал его личность и интересы, которые часто выходили за рамки его обязанностей в качестве дипломата. Он увлекался литературой и культурой, интересовался историей и археологией, проявлял особый интерес к изобразительному искусству, что нашло отражение в его частной художественной коллекции.

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