
Энциклопедический словарь юного зрителя. Театр, кино, цирк, эстрада, телевидение


Вып. ред. Т. П. Минина, Г. В. Таттар

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The dictionary tells about the history of the theater, stage, cinema, television and their important educational role, about the work of outstanding actors, directors, playwrights.
The reader will learn about various professions associated with these types of art, will find practical recommendations about how to organize school amateur performances, conduct work in theater and film clubs, etc.
One of the important tasks of the dictionary is to contribute to the ideological and artistic education of students, to help them choose a profession.

For middle and high school students.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-7155-0159-8
Publisher Педагогика
Format 84x108/16
Publication date 1989
Number of Pages 415
Book series Энциклопедический словарь
Bookbinding твердый
Language Russian
Small temporary spots yes
yellowed pages yes
noticeable cover scuffs yes
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