
Живые мысли. Таблетка на каждый день


Некрасов Анатолий Александрович

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In the book, the author raises questions that every person asks himself at least sometimes: about happiness and suffering, about illness and health, about spiritual development and faith, about self-love and relationships with others, about awareness and wisdom...

This book affects the worldview of a person so deeply that in a month it changes, because awareness and reassessment of values ​​can actually change not only the life of an individual, but the whole world.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-227-07961-9
Publisher Центрполиграф
Publication date 2018
Number of Pages 256
Bookbinding Softcover
Language Russian

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baltic books
Reval Real Estate OÜ

Tõru 15
Tallinn, 12011

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