
Все ответы на все вопросы. Сам себе предсказатель, или Карта ваших решений


Беспалова Ксения Валентиновна, Богданович Виталий Николаевич

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The path to intuition is open. Here is a map with the most reliable route - a book of answers to all questions. You ask and receive comprehensive information on any topic. And most importantly, you can trust all the answers unconditionally, because you yourself answer. The text simply reveals the power of your genius intuition.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-94371-715-3
Publisher Невский проспект
Format 84x108/32
Publication date 2005
Number of Pages 320
Book series Авторские методики: избранное
Bookbinding Softcover
Language Russian

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baltic books
Reval Real Estate OÜ

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Tallinn, 12011

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