
Лес мертвецов

Гранже Ж.К.

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A series of bloody ritual murders makes even hardened Parisian police officers shudder with horror. A cannibal maniac is operating in the city, devouring the flesh of his victims. Who is he - an autistic psychopath, a sadistic pervert, a fan of primitive cults? Versions are multiplying, but none leads to the unraveling of the sinister mystery. Zhanna Krulewska - an experienced investigating judge and a beautiful woman - has personal reasons to accept the challenge thrown by the killer. The search for truth will take her across the ocean, force her to cross Nicaragua and Guatemala, lead her into the depths of the Argentine swamps. Here, in the heart of the Forest of the Dead, she will discover the true source of Evil...

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-389-01294-3
Publisher Иностранка
Format 75х100/32
Publication date 2010
Book series Лекарство от скуки
Bookbinding твердый

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