
Тайные силы. Германская разведка и контрразведка периода Первой мировой войны

Николаи В.


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Under the same cover are two books by the head of German intelligence and counterintelligence during the First World War, Walter Nicolai, "Intelligence, the press and public mood in the world war" and "Secret forces: International espionage and the fight against it during the world war and at the present time", in which examines in detail the entire mechanism of secret operations of Germany, which conducted military operations in 1914-1918 both in the West and in the East, analyzes the reasons for the successes and failures of the “knights of the cloak and dagger”, reveals previously unknown names and events of Berlin’s secret operations against France, Great Britain, Russia and other countries participating in the anti-German coalition. These books were published in Russia in the 1920s with huge denominations, which largely distorted the meaning of the ideas set forth by the author, Colonel Walter Nikolai, whose fate after his resignation turned into a tragedy. Translator V.L. Telitsyn

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-906557-61-2
Publisher Принципиум
Format 21.7 x 14.5 x 3.6
Publication date 2020
Number of Pages 592
Bookbinding Hardcover

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