
Спор цивилизаций и диалог культур

Померанц Г., Миркина З.


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The book contains lectures given by Grigory Pomerants and Zinaida Mirkina in the 2000s, as well as essays on related topics. Here, the tradition is continued to talk with listeners and readers about the main problems that life puts before a person and society. Confrontation of civilizations in the modern world, the role of religion and culture in the development of personality, the dialogue of cultures of different peoples; the past and future of Russia, the Russian mentality, inner freedom and the search for faith and other important topics - such is the range of issues raised by the authors. The book includes the last tape recording by G.S. Pomerants "On the Spirit of Civilization" (December-January 2013) and an article by Z.A. Mirkina "In Memory of G.S. Pomerants".

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-98712-694-3
Publisher Центр гуманитарных инициатив
Format 21.8 x 14.5 x 2.5
Publication date 2017
Number of Pages 504
Bookbinding Hardcover

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