
Розанов В.В. Собрание сочинений.Том 15. Русская государственность и общество (Статьи 1906-1907гг.)


Василий Васильевич Розанов


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The next volume of the Collected Works of V.V. Rozanov compiled the writer's articles for 1906-1907, dedicated to the fate of Russian statehood. They are collected for the first time in a separate book, which is essentially a continuation of his work on the first Russian revolution "When the authorities left ... 1905-1906." Much attention is paid to the formation of parliamentarism in Russia, the activities of the State Duma, the struggle of parties in society, national and family issues.
The publication is addressed to everyone who is interested in literature, philosophy and the history of socio-political thought in Russia.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-250-02321-5
Publisher Республика, 2003 г.
Number of Pages 525
Bookbinding суперобложка

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