
Аферист его Высочества

Сухов Е.

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The dashing scammers from the "Jacks of Hearts" gang cannot live without scams. And now they have conceived an ingenious combination. The uncle of the Russian Emperor Mikhail Nikolaevich wants to buy Titian's "Portrait of Charles V" from the collector Likhachev. "Jacks", knowing about this, in advance replaced the original in Likhachev's house with a copy, and then sold the master's painting to Mikhail Nikolayevich for the second time. What was the surprise of the Grand Duke, and even the swindlers themselves, when it turned out that the "original" itself was a fake! Now to figure out the trickster who swindled the most famous swindlers of Russia is a matter of honor for the "Jacks of Hearts" ...

Data sheet

ISBN 9785699575831
Publisher Эксмо
Format 70x100/32
Publication date 2012
Library Circulation 9000
Number of Pages 352
Bookbinding мягкий

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