
Реальность где-то рядом

Имранов А.

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At what point does Sergei begin to understand that the world is not what it seemed to him at first? Or when a fifteen-year-old boy, asking for a cup of tea with a famous science fiction writer, begins to show tricks so inexplicable that one wants to call them miracles? Is it when he announces that what Sergei writes about is not science fiction at all, but the very reality? Or when it suddenly turns out that Sergey himself is not who he considered himself to be? Virtual ... Someone is driven into it by an irresistible, almost drug addiction, someone is a thirst for profit, someone just likes it. And some go to live in it, finally breaking all ties with reality. The heroes do not care about the ordinary inhabitants of the "wirth" - they just need to go back to reality. Although one of them subconsciously doesn't mind staying in "virt" forever - in reality, loneliness and a wheelchair await him. The second is torn into reality with all his heart, but is this possible in principle? One world is replaced by another desert, forests, ruins and cities ... Everywhere life is seething, everywhere there are rules. It's time to sing after Hermann from The Queen of Spades: "That our life is a game!" Reality? What's this?

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-9922-0162-8
Publisher Армада
Publication date 2008
Number of Pages 379

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Baden-Württemberg - Friedrichshafen

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