
Троцкий. Политический портрет. В 2-х книгах (комплект из 2 книг)


Волкогонов Дмитрий Антонович

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The book is dedicated to D. L. Trotsky, the second political figure after Lenin in the October Revolution and the Civil War. The rivalry between Trotsky and Stalin acquired a tragic coloring and had far-reaching consequences for the country. But one cannot but admit that Trotsky's main merit is that he was the first to see Stalinism from the inside and fought it to the end. At the same time, he is one of the main architects of the totalitarian system, which has led us to a historical failure. The book about the tragic fate of Trotsky is based on many original documents, a significant part of which is published for the first time: testimonies of relatives, extensive materials from various funds, including from the NKVD-KGB archive.

The first book covers the period from the end of the past century until the end of the civil war.

The second book covers the period from 1923 to the death of Trotsky on August 21, 1940.

Contains illustrations.

Data sheet

Publisher Новости
Publication date 1992
Number of Pages 832
Book series Вожди
Bookbinding Hardcover
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