
Исчезнувший город. (Трагедия Николаевска н/А)


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From the preface: “For three and a half months, partisans reigned in Nikolaevsk (n/A), introducing there the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat.”

For three and a half months there was continuous looting and violence there , executions and murders that ended with the destruction of an entire city.

Thousands of dead, piles of ruins, devastation of the region - that’s what the partisans gave the population

— A vanished city...

This is true. Because there is no city. He disappeared for the glory of Tryapitsyn’s slogans. And only the ruins of houses and the remains of fires silently speak of “friends of the people” and their method of action.”

Data sheet

Publisher Владивосток: Типо-литография Иосифа Корота, 1920
Format 19×13 см.
Number of Pages 70 c., ил.
Bookbinding Hardcover
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Rossica Berlin


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