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Чаликова Виктория Атомовна

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One of the goals of this book, based on an analysis of the history and theory of utopia, is to show that it was the West that was the cradle of utopian thought. The book represents one of the first attempts in Russian literature to give a systematic picture of the utopian world. Based on an analysis of the works of J. Orwell, M. Mead, M. Eliade, and numerous Western experts, the author comes to conclusions about the place of utopia in the public consciousness that are unusual in the Russian intellectual tradition.

Victoria Atomovna Chalikova, nee Sharikyan (1935 - 1991) - Soviet philosopher, sociologist, specialist in the history of utopian thought. Winner of the Neva magazine award (1988) for the article “Archive Youth.” Her grandfather is Harutyun Shagrikyan, a figure in the Armenian national liberation movement, lawyer and writer. Her father was a Gulag prisoner who died in the Karaganda camps. She studied at Tbilisi University and graduated from the Slavic Pedagogical Institute in Kuban. She worked as a school teacher, assistant and editor at INION RAS. Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, the dissertation was devoted to the sociological concept of M. Weber. She became close to Yu. A. Levada’s circle. Since the late 1970s. was the initiator, compiler and editor of a series of “closed” (published under the heading “for official use”) abstract collections devoted to utopian thought in Europe and Russia, and attracted a number of prominent scientists to this work (6 collections were published, 1979-1988). During the years of glasnost, books by J. Orwell, M. Eliade, L. Mumford, E. Shatsky, the collection “Utopia and Utopian Thinking”, etc. were published under her editorship.

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Publisher Лондон, Overseas Publications Interchange Ltd, 1992 г.
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