
50 тайных точек, воздействуя на которые можно быстро вылечить болезнь. Цзю-терапия


Линг Ши



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Ju therapy is an ancient oriental method of treatment through thermal effects on special points of our body. As effective as acupuncture, but simpler and less damaging to the skin.

With the help of this book you will learn a lot about energy points and their healing properties, learn how to influence them with a heat source. And also learn simple techniques for self-healing with the help of consciousness.

Traditional Chinese healing methods are suitable for you if:

you suffer from allergies, including bronchial asthma;

there are old chronic diseases of the internal organs and skeletal system;

immunity has decreased, colds have become more frequent;

jumps in blood pressure occur;

overwhelmed by fatigue and psychological decline.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-17-080532-7
Publisher АСТ
Publication date 2013
Number of Pages 224
Book series Восточная медицина. Лучшее
Bookbinding Hardcover
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ISIA Media Verlag UG (Fulfillment Europe)

Atriumstrasse 4
Leipzig, 04357

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