
Как избавиться от хронической боли. Самомассаж пусковых точек


Дэвис Клэр, Дэвис Амбер



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Have you been struggling with chronic pain for a long time and still haven’t found relief? This book has already become a real salvation from joint pain, back pain, and headaches for tens of thousands of Americans. It was written by Claire Davis, a member of the American Massage Therapy Association, and his daughter Amber, a massage therapy educator.

In a simple language that everyone can understand, they will teach you an easy and reliable method for relieving pain of any origin.

Now you can help yourself and your loved ones part with pain: without medications, side effects and extra expenses!

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-699-42846-5
Publisher Эксмо
Publication date 2010
Number of Pages 336
Book series О наболевшем полно и понятно
Bookbinding Hardcover
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ISIA Media Verlag UG (Fulfillment Europe)

Atriumstrasse 4
Leipzig, 04357

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