
Легкие миры


Толстая Т.Н.

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In order not to wake up my family, I sleep in the magic room. It has a door leading to the garage. The cold whistles from under the door, so that in winter and at night the room is uncomfortable, but this is only for those who do not see and do not know: from here there is a passage into the light worlds. The house is surrounded by snow, they rise high. When the sun rises, it will illuminate the room right through, from the southern pink snowdrifts to the northern blue ones, and the room will become like a ship rocking in the air. We don't know where happiness comes from. But there are places where it lies, piled up. I leave him behind.


Tatyana Tolstoy’s book LIGHT WORLDS includes new stories, short stories and essays written in recent years. The story that gave the title to the collection was awarded the Ivan Petrovich Belkin Prize (2013).

The reader, along with the author, moves between New York and Crete, Moscow and St. Petersburg... Tatyana Tolstaya recalls her childhood and talks about her wonderful family, illustrates the features of our national character with vivid scenes from life and original heroes, reflects on the magical properties of Russian speech and how secret, witchcraft, which is invisibly present in our lives.


In her new prose, Tatyana Tolstaya made a revolution: she moved from the third person to the first . Merging and diverging from the author, the narrator weaves lacy stories of her life, including about love, like Bunin. (Alexander Genis)

Features of artistic design

Cover - the work of Artemy Lebedev Studio

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About the author

Tatyana Tolstaya is a Russian writer, publicist and TV presenter (“School of Scandal”). In 2011, she was included in the rating of “The One Hundred Most Influential Women of Russia.”

Key words

Tatyana Tolstaya, School of Scandal, women’s prose, satire , LJ, humor, Russian modern prose.

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-17-085088-4
Publisher АСТ
Format 84x108/32
Publication date 2014
Number of Pages 480
Bookbinding твердый

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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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