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Жоржи Амаду

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"Coastal swimming" can hardly be called a memoir. Rather, it is a memory novel, consisting of numerous short stories, serious or playful. They are united by the image of the protagonist, who, in his declining years, sums up the results of a long, "tastefully and sensibly" life lived. There was everything in this life - a hungry youth, early and high-profile literary fame, "the struggle for world peace", bitter disappointment in "apparatus socialism", prisons, exile ... Numerous novels - written, filmed, staged - and novels, who connected him with many women (their heroines, however, are chastely designated by one name - Maria). Among those with whom fate brought him together are celebrities such as Picasso, Ehrenburg, Neruda, Sartre, and unknown people. The geography of the narrative is extremely wide; the framework of the chronology (which the author defiantly neglects) covers almost our entire century.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-264-00104-9
Publisher Вагриус
Publication date 1999
Number of Pages 432
Book series Мой 20 век
Bookbinding суперобложка
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ISIA Media Verlag UG (L)

Volbedingstr. 2 A2-03
Leipzig, 04357

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