
Живые и мертвые. Роман в трех книгах (комплект)


Константин Симонов

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The attention of readers is invited to the novel by K.M.Simonov "The Living and the Dead" - one of the most famous works about the Great Patriotic War.
In the novel, the fate of the heroes recreates the courageous struggle of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders in the first months of the Great Patriotic War war. June-December 1941 - a tragic and heroic era: from the most difficult setbacks, retreats and encirclements - to the first big victory near Moscow.

Data sheet

ISBN 5-280-00770-6
Publisher Художественная литература
Publication date 1989
Number of Pages 1808
Bookbinding Hardcover
Language Russian
Small temporary spots yes
yellowed pages yes
noticeable cover scuffs yes
library stamp yes
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