
Андрей Усачев. Сказки


Усачев Андрей

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The complete collection of poems and fairy tales by one of the best modern children's poets includes poems and fairy tales in verse and prose. Modern design, pleasant format and stunning texts - these are the kind of books that you don’t want to let go of. The book of fairy tales contains all the most beloved fairy tales of Andrei Usachev, including the famous “Smart Dog Sonya”, and charming illustrations were drawn by Natalya Salienko.



The Royal Mongrel, micro-story

page 6

Hello, thank you and goodbye!, microstory

page 7

Who made the puddle?, microstory

page 8

Which is better?, microstory

page 10

How Sonya learned to talk, microstory

page 11

How the dog Sonya sniffed flowers, microstory

page 12

Binoculars, microstory

page 14

Flies, microstory

page 15

How Sonya caught the echo, microstory

page 16

Bone, microstory

page 17

Sonya and the samovar, microstory

page 19

Spot, microstory

page 20

Rainbow, micro-story

page 21

Mustard, micro-story

page 22

How Sonya organized a fishing trip, microstory

page 25

Wallpaper, microstory

page 27

How Sonya learned to read, micro-story

page 29

How Sonya lost everything in the world, microstory

page 30

How Sonya turned into a tree, microstory

page 33

What happened then?, microstory

page 35


page 37-90

Escaped story, micro-story

page 38

The best house in the world, microstory

page 39

K.Sh., fairy tale

page 40

Magic basket, micro-story

page 41

Magic cloud, micro-story

page 89

Once upon a time there were hedgehogs

page 91-112

Stories at the Zoo

page 113-138

What was in the kangaroo's bag?

page 139-164

Kingdom of Fools, fairy tale

page 165-200

Declaration of Human Rights

page 211-247

Data sheet

ISBN 978-5-699-66793-2
Publisher Эксмо
Publication date 2013
Number of Pages 248
Book series Андрей Усачев. Полное собрание стихов и сказок
Bookbinding Hardcover
Informationen zur Produktsicherheit

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Meža prospekts 62 - 4
Jūrmala, LV-2010

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